Forensic Archive Ltd was established in 2012 to look after more than four million items relating to historic cases undertaken by the now dissolved Forensic Science Service (FSS).
Key people:
Executive Director Alison Fendley
Alison joined the Forensic Science Service in 1993 as a biologist and worked in numerous scientific disciplines, becoming a senior scientist and expert witness reporting the identification of and interpretation of body fluids, complex DNA profiles and blood pattern analysis.
She set up and oversaw the FSS’s specialist sexual offence service, working closely with a number of police forces and partner agencies and subsequently went on to manage both the Huntingdon and Birmingham sites. In the final years of the Forensic Science Service, Alison worked closely with the Chairman, FSS Board and Home Office before taking up the position of Executive Director of Forensic Archive Ltd, ensuring continuity to the criminal justice system.
Head of Archive Simon Rogers
Simon joined the Forensic Science Service (FSS) in 1998 as an Assistant Forensic Scientist working in the DNA section. He worked in this area for four years, implementing the first UK CJ Reference and Crime-Stain automation systems.
Following this role, he worked as a project manager implementing and validating a wide range of products such as LIMS, interpretation software, dna rapid devices, drugs and toxicology equipment.
In 2006, Simon moved to operations, working as a service delivery team leader managing the Birmingham Drugs and National Drugs Analytical Units, implementing efficiency gains to reduce national casework costs.
More recently Simon has been working in the United Arab Emirates for the past two years on the UAE National DNA Database Project, before taking up the position of Forensic Archive Manager for the Forensic Archive Ltd (FAL).